Monday, December 5, 2011

Old friends and some positive reinforcement!

One of my favorite things is when you run into someone you haven't seen for a while but you would never know it because from the minute you stand in front of each other its just like "old times!" There are many different people that I can say I have this relationship with and I truly value each and every one of them!

Some of the coolest would be that of friends that I have worked with in the Real Estate businesses. There is nothing like the camaraderie that comes along with people who understand the "battles" that are fought out there... especially in these challenging times! But even better than that... is to be in the company of those people who keep a positive attitude... despite the challenge.

I don't know about you.... but for me, I can't have enough of those types of people in my life. There's nothing worse than tyring to keep a positive momentum going and running into the "negative Ned" type personality. It's like hitting a brick wall! No matter what the situation, there is no bright side for them. The market is the worst ever. There is "no" business to be had out there. Every one's credit is bad. Home values are so low NO ONE wants to sell... blah blah blah blah blah!!!

Hang around that person long enough and I would set my "for sale" signs at the curb and go for "unemployment!" Seriously. It doesn't matter if you are in real estate sales, car sales, retail sales or having a bake sale for goodness sakes! If you want to make the business... or "whatever" work for you, get back to the basics and make it work! Real estate or the majority of any other types of business out there is probably not going to "jump in your lap." Just because there are not buyers crawling out of the woodwork, doesn't mean they are not out there. Just because a home might not be worth as much today as it was a few years ago doesn't mean that there are not still people out there that need to move. The last time I checked, old broken down cars need to be replaced by new ones at some point! Life goes on. There are still plenty of opportunities out there. It's just you have to be willing to do a little work to get one! And I'll bet if you took a survey of those who are getting those opportunities, it's not gonna be the "negative Ned" that spent the last hour crying about how he had no business instead of getting out there and finding some!

I know.... I know.... Sometimes keeping a positive attitude is not always easy. Never said it was. And I don't think that every time you repeat self-affirmations you are sure to have a "million dollar" day... but I would be willing to bet on the days you tell yourself your are going to fail... you will! Besides, who wants to be with and/or do business with someone who always sees the glass as half empty?!? Not me.

Think about it. Have you ever been in a really really good mood, the job is going great, you are in a wonderful relationship, it seems that you have the world by the tail and life just couldn't get any better and then..... it happens. You get caught up in a conversation with someone who just can't seem to catch a break. Their car has broken down for the third time this month; Their boss just passed them over for  the promotion they were supposed to get and gave it to the new guy; Their spouse just doesn't understand them any more... and on and on and on. And suddenly, that feeling of being on top of the world feels more like a downward spiral as you start to feel that all this "happiness" can't last because after all, the world is going to hell in a hand basket and you might as well just stop trying because any good fortune you have is going to be short-lived and replaced by the same type of "woes" the rest of the schmucks out there have! phewww! Exhausting right?

Well, as "simple" as it sounds... is really as simple as it truly is. Hang with the negative Ned.. and become him! And just as simply... Hang around with "positive pat" and become him! ... or her! lol. Seriously, try it. Especially if life has been a little less than "friendly" to you. Make a point to surround yourself with people who leave you with the sense of being "raised" up instead of those who leave you with the sense of having an elephant sitting on your chest!

I do try to take my own advice. But once in a while I am reminded by some especially wonderful friends just how significant and important it is to surround myself by those who make me feel good about myself and about what I am capable of. There is nothing more invigorating than being around the type of people that I strive to be like. Remember... what you concentrate on expands! If that is true... you can bet that the type of people you have "feeding" your brain are gonna have an impact on what kind of day you're gonna way or another! With that being said... By all means... find yourself a couple of "positive pats" like I did today and make it the best day you can. And keep in mind that surrounding yourself on a regular basis with people who lift you up will take you to heights you never imagined possible until you allowed them to be!

So, thanks old friends, for taking an otherwise cold, rainy day and making it a warm and sunny one all the same! There's nothing like being caught up in the laughter and good conversation with great friends to start off the makings of a fantastic week!

P.S. If you know of anyone in need of a "positive" Realtor's services...  By all means pass their number along or give them mine. I'm ready to help!


At December 6, 2011 at 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah!


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